Joel Kirkpatrick was murdered twice - Once by the Serial Killer, and again when the cops and the prosecutors REFUSED to do a proper investigation and ask questions of ALL the people who should be questioned. Then, they INSISTED that only the Mother murdered, even though she had no motive, so we don't need to ask the Doctor about her injuries. She even gave a description of the killer and they REFUSED TO EVEN SEARCH FOR THE PERSON! They even had the person in custody and REFUSED TO EVEN CHECK IF HE MATCHED THE DESCRIPTION. This person was Tommy Lynn Sells. They said she was guilty the second they walked into her house and saw her! Why? Because the Son was brutally murdered in a sadistic way and SHE didn't have sadistic marking on her, so that made HER guilty! Idiots!
They did NOT ask the Doctor about mom's injuries. They INSISTED that those injuries were self inflicted and did NOT think THEY needed to ask a Doctor (who has a degree in this!) anything, as they already knew she was guilty only because she was able to fight so well, that she didn't get the same sadistic markings that her son did! Double Idiots!
What can we do about these people who don't give a rats arse about their jobs and the integrity they are suppose to bring to those jobs? Yes, people make mistakes, but even today Ed Parkinson insists that mother is guilty even though new evidence and a retrial proved her innocent! What the bloody hell does he want? To SEE the murder with his own two eyes? He is so stubborn that I would be outraged to find him on another case as I do NOT trust his judgement at all! Is his self-esteem so fragile, that he can NOT admit he made a mistake and so to save face has to insist that he was right and she is guilty? Why is his self-esteem more important than Justice and Integrity?
We do NOT need these people working in the Justice department because their attitudes and actions go against Justice, Truth and Integrity. WE need accountability for these people. And, the only way to really get accountability is if they could lose their jobs and be fired if they make obvious mistakes in their investigation and then, when new evidence materializes refuses to honour that new evidence.
What happened? The person she was describing was Tommy Lynn Sells, and the picture that was drawn, matched him exactly. So why such injustice? When people have made up their minds that so and so is guilty, it takes an Act of God to make them see reality. In this case, God spoke and they still insisted that God was lying! The writer realized that this case probably had Tommy Lynn Sells, as the real culprit. She even wrote him. He was on DEATH ROW had NO ACCESS to Internet, TV, and so on. Why is the prosecutor insisting that Tommy Sells was only admitting to the crime because he is a serial confessor? Seriously! Really? All because you hate the mother for having a "insert horror scene here" son while she, herself avoided have the same "insert horror scene here" done to her? Take your manliness and cut it down a few notches! You come across as a Male chauvenistic idiot in the 1st degree!
Yes, it is true that Police ALWAYS investigate the family first, to make sure they aren't the guilty ones. This is why those who kill and want to get away with it, has a much better chance of succeeding, if they choose families where the members can have a good motive to kill. With what I've seen in cases that have been shown on Television, choosing a victim who has a huge life insurance policy and is married will give you the best chance of pulling off the perfect crime! That life insurance policy is often considered the #1 reason why to murder. Thankfully, no murderer has figured out how to find out this information when choosing victims. (I'm wondering if I should even post this bit of info.) However, I am posting this only to prove a point - NOT All murders are committed by the "obvious" culprit. Sometimes, who you think is the culprit is really another victim and that ALL leads must be followed and followed with integrity instead of with a biased mind that is already made up against the other victim! The mother has NO motive! The prosecutor agrees with this, I believe.
Tommy Lynn Sells - Serial Killer or Serial Confesser? They INSISTED that Tommy was a serial confessor because he is on death row, and has nothing to lose. This is ridiculous! Everyone knows that Tommy, while in death row has no access to TV, Internet and so on. Yes, I'm repeating myself. However, The Innocent Project, pointed out the falacy of the Prosecutors logic. How can he serial confess to a crime, giving details that ONLY HE WOULD KNOW when he had NO ACCESS to the details because he didn't have a TV, Internet access, and so on? This is why I want Ed Parkinson FIRED NEVER EVER EVER TO PROSECUTE AGAIN! He is a first class IDIOT WHO ONLY CARES ABOUT SAVING FACE THEN SEEKING JUSTICE! FIRE HIM! He's probably retired by now, in his cushy house, with his cushy family, not caring how he destroyed a mother!
The prosecutor and police refused to charge Tommy Lynn Sells with the crime. This is NOT necessarily bad. Yes, the case MUST be closed, and I would put Tommy Sells' name on that case. The reason why this may not be bad, is because if he is charged, then he would have to have death row status put on hold, while this case goes to court. And, because they can't reconvict the mother with the crime (double jeopardy rules), she is safe and can move on. We all know Tommy Sells is guilty - except the cops and the idiotically stupid prosecutor.
Ed Parkinson is a 100% Bloody arse who does not give a rats arse about the truth! He insists that Tommy heard something from somewheres, and had to know the nitty gritty details - including those that was NOT put on the news! What? Are serial confessors mind readers who see all the details in a crime through seances? Mother got a new trial based on new evidence and stupid idiotic Ed Parkinson INSISTS she is guilty! What bloody evidence is he looking at? The killer ADMITTED his crime, had NO access to the details.
What can be done about this? Joel Kirkpatrick - Murdered twice by Police and a Prosecutor who REFUSED to give him justice! They have nothing to lose, as they won't ever see any real infractions if they get it wrong. I want change! I want to see these people fired. I would love to see some of them, imprisoned for the same length of time the innocent person was made to be in prison. In the mom's case, I would support this, as that picture MATCHED the killer and the Prosecutor STILL INSISTS THAT SHE IS GUILTY AND THAT THAT IMAGE ISN'T THE KILLER! HE NEEDS TO BE ARRESTED FOR HIS CRIMES AGAINST JUSTICE, INTEGRITY AND HUMANITY!
Thank you!