Because, itunes 11 was made by arrogant Nitwits who REFUSE to even LISTEN to what WE USERS want!
UPDATE: itunes DOES now stop alphabetizing my radio playlists! I do not know which version of iTunes (11.x or 12.x as I don't use iTunes anymore).
Also winamp is dead, songbird is dead and nightingale isn't really looking too active either. foobar2000 still seems active, but has its own issues. We need a programmer to step up to the plate and make a software that does what everyone wants. Thanks!
UPDATE: itunes DOES now stop alphabetizing my radio playlists! I do not know which version of iTunes (11.x or 12.x as I don't use iTunes anymore).
Also winamp is dead, songbird is dead and nightingale isn't really looking too active either. foobar2000 still seems active, but has its own issues. We need a programmer to step up to the plate and make a software that does what everyone wants. Thanks! The link to the thread I refer to.
Number 1 feature I need: Radio Playlist that I make myself. itunes 11 technically has this feature.
Number 2 feature I need (and lack): RADIO playlist to stop alphabetizing itself! BLEEPING BASTARDS!
(Note: blogger still does NOT allow me to choose black text colour over coloured background colour. bug that needs fixing, that they might not be aware of. If they aren't, then thats my problem because I didn't them. I tried Yellow background with Black text. It may also be a theme compatibility error. )
(Note: blogger still does NOT allow me to choose black text colour over coloured background colour. bug that needs fixing, that they might not be aware of. If they aren't, then thats my problem because I didn't them. I tried Yellow background with Black text. It may also be a theme compatibility error. )
That is the short of it.
This is a direct copy of what I POSTED over there on that thread. I wanted a backup copy here.
Browsing this thread (see link above to read the thread I refer to here) tells me that the vast majority of users HATE VEHEMENTLY iTunes 11.
From a "Other Ability/Proability-Disability" point of view:
1) Never assume that colour processing disorders don't never to change background and text colour on PC, MAC and any device playing iTunes.
2) Never assume that we HATE choosing 1 song to play in infinatum repeat (hours on end).
3) Never assume that we HATE everything YOU took out of iTunes.
4) Never assume that whatever you create, change or input WE are going to worship and adore. WE DON'T!
Corollary: Never assume that the majority by 1% over the minority is going to be on your side. Currently the naysayers are almost a 98% majority telling you to knock it off and bring back the old and better iTunes!#
5) Never assume that customization is for beeping whimps who don't know who their god is! I KNOW who my God is and he is NOT YOU! I have very real needs that YOU have ignored.
a) I need to make Radio Playlist that are NOT ALPHABETIZED!
b) I need to be able, in the PC version to change the Background colour AND the text colour to better MY processing needs.
c) Some of us needs to CHANGE the FONT size to whatever size we need because of disabilities.
d) Some of us needs to change the font to size 46, and have extreme colour contrast of bright yellow and black. I don't, but I did find someone who did.
e) Skins Customization: You should know that I bought a PC because I HATE Macs assumption that YOUR customization is the ONLY customization I need for easy use. You LIE! You have NEVER known me and will never know me because your head is in the sand crying " no no no! you do not exist! I am god and I created you and I know what you need and you need my font sizes, my organization of your library and you need everything my way because I made you! Stop pretending to be Jesus and give us our customizations!
We are the users of your piece of beep. We can go buy Winamp and SKIP your junk! We vote, We have money and We have spoken. Many of us are reverting back to the old and better iTunes, even if it means we lose other stuff (account validation for example).
So, why do I not use Winamp? They do NOT allow radio playlists at all.
That is the ONLY reason why I am still on iTunes, but because I do not use Linux anymore, I'm going to see about Songbird again. iTunes 11 is not even usable. However, I would have to be honest that iTunes 10 was barely useable. I'm the idiot who needs black background and bright blue or bright purple text. I process better what I'm reading and trying to find.

.ps MY website is SO ridiculously colour processing accommodating that I even accomodate the fantasy fans! And, if someone gives me a background colour and text colour request, I make it for them. Why? Because unlike you I refuse to discriminate against anyone for any reason what so ever. The Americans with Disability Acts I take seriously! Its about time you and other businesses did too! WE are not living in the Victorian age anymore. WE are NOT Hitler's Germany where people like me would be shot. WE are living in a democracy where people are accommodated for and vote! We have Voted! Down with iTunes 11!
Thanks for you consideration in our plea.
The following is related, referring to someone who thought his post was deleted because he posted the link to where iTunes 10 was. This is my comment to that person.
[I guess that if they are so upset that you posted a how-to downgrade, then they might just make the downgrade not available, which might lead to another thing bootlegged across the internet. Gee! That makes so much sense! I mean, seriously, just the title of this thread is BAD P.R. The only thing they are really going to be able to do to save face, is to FIX their problem, bring back the #1 thing that everyone but me seemed to use (I still can't remember what its called
) and just face the music. I've not looked to see if my other post is still up or not. I don't plan on posting much more after this. Nothing left to say really. I've gone back to 2 of their competitors (that aren't being named because they probably won't like it.) ]
[I guess that if they are so upset that you posted a how-to downgrade, then they might just make the downgrade not available, which might lead to another thing bootlegged across the internet. Gee! That makes so much sense! I mean, seriously, just the title of this thread is BAD P.R. The only thing they are really going to be able to do to save face, is to FIX their problem, bring back the #1 thing that everyone but me seemed to use (I still can't remember what its called