Jesus is a god created by people who hate Jews to keep Jews out of the kingdom of God. These are the same people who insist that their churches contain smelly scents for asthmatics to react to. They bend over backwards to keep undesirables out of their church. They bend over backwards to make Messianic Jews miserable with silly legalistic rules just because they want to be sure their white race rules supreme and that the Jewish race is hated and abused to the nth degree. These are the people who keep 95% of the world from wanting Heaven. They promote Heaven as a racist, discriminatory, legalistic place of hellish endeavors where no one is happy except the privileged few.
And yes, it used to be in the Twin Cities (2009 and earlier) that a proper March for Jesus only happens during the Messianic Judaic service so that Christians can't be put out by having to march during their football games and other godless activities. Messianic Jews must be banned from their worship of Y'Shua if they want to march with White Christians! Those organizers refused to hold the time on a Saturday afternoon after Messianic Jewish worship was done! They insisted that the parade can only happen on Saturday Mornings! I CONGRATULATE the March for Jesus organization for having a March for Jesus Prayer walk on Saturdays beginning at 2pm! 2010 had this at 2pm. I do not find any mention of any such parades happening in 2011 or later. I wonder how not successful it was due to Christian families not wanting to get out of their comfort zones and do something for God on God's time for once? I wonder, but do not know. I do know that when I participated, that most people I talked to did NOT want it in the afternoon due to previous activities. (See football!)
Jesus is very white who did very white things, in a very white world. Yes, he spoke in a synagogue, but that is glossed over by these white people who create white publications filled with White people depicting White Biblical characters. White is a supremacist concept. It is racist. It is a hate word. Then, why are so-called Christians painting ALL JEWS FROM THE BIBLE AS WHITES! THEY WERE JEWS YOU IGNORANT FOOLS! Even in their White Magazines for White Christians they do not have Mexican, Asian or other races featured. All children are Anglo-European decent. They are Scandinavians, Aryans, and very white, with the exception of 1 Hawaiian.[UPDATE: One magazine for Children CHANGED this! And, I FORGOT to look at more then one issue! I apologize for that! My HUGE mistake. :P]
Y'Shua looks like a Jew, has an olive-brownish skin tone with a little bit of red in it from being outside alot. He does not eat lutifisk and is not white. He is not even a Norwegian, or a German, or a Aryan. He is a Jew. He did very Jewish things. Some people call this Y'Shua Jesu, others call him Jesus. However, it is only those who paint him as a Jew and yet God that have the real Y'Shua. All others are arguably worshiping a false god - a very anti-semitic, racist god of hate.
Offended by that last statement? You should be! Well, now that we are on the same page. Let me tell you what I really believe! I believe that ALL CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS AND CHURCHES needs to:
1) Stop painting, drawing pictures of "white" Jews.
2) Stop painting, drawing pictures of "white" Jesus. (Not all Xtian publications make Jesus White, I commend them!)
4) Stop insisting on having scented oils, potpourri, and other things in the church that prevents those with allergies and intolerances from coming. We are told to come to church and worship while you try and kill us? Who are you? Why do we need to have public restrooms with scented crap in it? Aren't we supposed to bring in the lost?
Calvary Worship Center forced me to quit my fave synogogue - Seed of Abraham - because of their idol worship of potpourri that they insisted must be kept in the ladies loo. Who are they? Well, let me tell you who they are. 1 person started a trend of legalism. This person spread hate and discrimination. This disease spread until the majority ruled in hate of Jews and discrimination of Jews and those who have sensitivities to scents. They made us measure the pews to be sure they were placed exactly 27" away from each other. This last requirement was canned by the Pastor when he finally got wind of it. But, the potpourri stayed. The Seed of Abraham went from a scent free zone to a killer of people who are anaphylactic to certain scents - specifically, potpourri. It turns out, that when I needed an inhaler that one day - the first day I was diagnosed with asthma - I found out that Dottie was right and I should have gone to hospital and been given an epi-pen. To say I hate and loathe Calvary Worship Center is an understatement. However, I have to forgive them and move on.
I have moved on. I've moved away from praying everyday. It takes a miracle to get me to attend any place of worship. It takes a miracle to get me to read the Bible. I don't give a darn about their god. I don't give a darn about the person I know to be God! I do not have a relationship with Him because I can not attend the place I love - the place I called home. I was tired of having to go downstairs and use the restroom whose air was filled with pee smell because Calvary Worship Center does not give a darn to check on their kids and whether they flush the toilet or not! I felt like I was in Germany during the Holocaust. Did I feel discriminated against? Yes! Did I feel hated by God? Yes!
So, what are we to do? Go to another place of worship - a church. I hate churches! I'm a MESSIANIC JEW NOT A STUPID ARROGANT WHITE CHRISTIAN!
You think our style of worship is the same because its the same God. Sh'ma Y'srael, Sh'ma Y'srael. Adonai Eloheinu. (repeat) Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Y'Shua, Adonai Echad...
You sing that song every Sunday - not! Okay, so the Seed doesn't exactly sing that song, but they do sing something very similar that is in HEBREW! Do I miss the Hebrew? Yes! Do I miss the Hebrew Liturgy? Yes! What is the solution? Thats easy! Keep writing about how the Church has done us wrong until the Church finally listens. I'm tired of praying to a God who gives freewill to bastards who infiltrate the church and rapes it of integrity.
They still think that we do not need our culture. They still think that everything we do is legalistic. They still think that they can marry me and raise the kids with no Jewish culture whatsoever and that it is 100% fine with God. It isn't! Why should I teach them about your stupid Norwegian and German Cultures if I'm not allowed to teach them about my Jewish culture? I dropped a boyfriend because he insisted that if we married and had children, that they would be raised 100% Lutheran and NOT MY CULTURE PERIOD WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. MY CULTURE WAS NOT EVEN ALLOWED IN THE HOUSE! He is a fool! They also think that I can simply not kiss my husband on the day he eats Chicken. A teenager died because her boyfriend ate peanuts SEVERAL HOURS EARLIER. She is DEAD AND CAN NOT MARRY OR EVER SAY GOODNIGHT TO HER PARENTS. DEAD YOU STUPID ARROGANT FOOLS. SHE DIED BECAUSE OF A KISS NOT BECAUSE OF A GUN! Stop the lies!
Ah ha! So now the real reason why I'm not married comes out! Yes, I'm not married because I refuse to kill myself. I'm the one who is anaphylactic to Chicken (all Avian), and Beef. I am the one who insists that MY KIDS will learn the culture of their mother and of their father with NO discrimination. I am the one who insist on integrity, of worshiping the one true God and NOT scents, comfort zones, White Pride, and other nationalistic and anti-semitic crap of the church. I am not filled with hate. I am filled with love - a love of sociology and culture. I believe everyone has a culture and should be allowed to have it and not have to deny it because of someone elses' comfort zone is violated. This is why I'm not married. I am not married because "YOU" deny me that right because "YOU" insist on having everything your way and not giving in at all. I am the one whose measuring stick is considered to high because I refuse to give in to the sin of the world and of the church. No, I'm not perfect. I still sin and fall short of the Glory of God just like you do. I just fall extremely short in other ways that I am very slowly working on changing.
I was fine with attending Christian White Pride Church on Sundays, then my Messianic Synagogue on Saturdays, but you said NO!
I was fine with attending your White Pride Bible Studies and everything else you tossed my way as long as I had my Synagogue on Saturdays. You said NEVER!
I was fine with attending my Rugby games with you 1 or 2 times a year. You said, "I'm not into Rugby." Then you insisted I attend your stupid Baseball games. I said, "I'm not into Baseball and won't go unless you come to my Rugby game." You said, "Never! I'm not into Rugby. You should be into Baseball because it is American and you are American." I said, "Sorry, I am not a racist pig - Sika!"
Yes, if you want to date me... You will have to be British. You will have to like Rugby. You will have to like Harlequin and Hotspurs. I'm rejecting all American's on Allergy alone! I'm through with Christians and do not really want anything to do with them. Believers are fine - its the Christians I want nothing to do with. There IS a difference!
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ReplyDeleteUpdate: I should mention that I was rejected 5 times, four weeks in a row by Chicken and Beef worshipers! They called it Jesus Christ. I call it Roadkill.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, I never married. I was sorely tempted to find a Lesbian willing to play along with me to teach those fools a thing or two about Integrity. Yes, she would have played a role as the new person in my life I was dating - because no real Gentleman wanted me, I decided to date a Lady instead.
Why didn't I? I know that I really do prefer Men to Women. Also, I don't believe in using people - even for a noble cause. It just seemed wrong some how, even if they are willing. I don't know, maybe it just me.
( The removed comment was removed because editing comments wasn't working. The pencil in the circle doesn't do a thing. )