Friday, October 12, 2012

Brilliant Idea to rid the world of "Evil"

I think we should take all people with the wrong "other abilities" and sentence them to no education of any kind because they are going to be on disability anyways. And, if we must, give them sub-par education. Oh wait! We do this now! Silly me! I thought we actually gave a *bleep* about the Deaf-Blind and afforded the experts they need in order for them to learn anything in this world. Notice EXTREME disgust in how we underfund education and in effect BAN experts that the deaf-blind need from getting the education they need and the funding they need so they can have good jobs working with the very people who most need them. We even have arrogantly refused to give the funds to the parents who try to send their children to Canada where at least 1 expert lives and works with these children. If I remember correctly, only 3 experts exist in North America.

What is the problem? Why do we give them a blind eye and the equivalent of a "die already, we don't care if you survive or not, who would care about someone like you"? Our actions give them this. As long as we refuse to fund the education they need to succeed in life we have, in effect told them to die and never ever ever have the socialization and education they need so they can learn who we are and what their world is. We have told them that they do not belong in our privileged world. WE have told THEM that WE only care about people with the "right" disabilities. WE care more about those who have an 90 IQ then we do the Deaf-Blind! That is outrageous! We should care equally for ALL children no matter what parts of them work and do not work! Period!

Lets start funding Education for real! Lets start forcing the Federal Government to pay for the education of the Deaf-Blind of this world.

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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.