I've been denied access to more surveys because I wasn't apart of the damn upper middle crust rich who can own a fancy car, fancy house, with the bleeding edge latest in fancy equipment in that house. And, I do mean, the latest fad in the kitchen, the laundry room, and even where it comes to remodelling - the latest fad. I need to be so rich that middle class people would NOT even qualify!
And, if you are on disability, which is more accurate? Retired or not working? Not working, is technically correct, EXCEPT when the survey insist that not working, means looking for work. Besides, those on disability do NOT buy anything!
So, who are those fools who are actually spending money? I do spend money! They don't give a rats arse about where I spend my money. Because I do not EAT GLUTEN! Oh yeah, if you don't buy mix that is full of gluten, then they do not want you either! Why? People with food allergies do not ever buy food! We just starve ourselves to death until we die at the age of 50, when starvation kicked in. SARCASISM ALERT! Warning!
Why don't those rich bastards give a damn that I am gluten? Do they even care that most of society is now gluten free because those rich bastards poisoned our foods with so much gluten (approximiately: 75% gluten in wheat versus what was originally about 30% in wheat we used to get) that we are now getting Coeliac Disease? Those rich fools will never ever care because they worship money and destroying the bloody poor! They want you sick and dead!
Proof: Take Seroquel.
What does this do?
Raise your triglyceroides through the roof, requiring you to take another pill.
If you're allergic to said pill, then you are out of luck.
However, if you can take that pill, that pill can require more meds to deal with the vomiting side effects.
Oh yeah, 3 pills for one condition because they refuse to make a healthy med.
By the way, this also ties in with the FDA that insists that food can NOT heal or CURE!
Who own the FDA? The bloody rich!
Who do you think insist that Vegan food can not claim to cure Type II diabetes! The bloody rich and the FDA!
What is the cure? Be smarter then the bloody rich and NEVER EVER buy their products or services! Make it yourself! Grow it yourself! Be your own gardener, and buy ALL things you can't make, USED! Support your local Salvation Army and Goodwill stores or any thrift store or your local garage sales! Why? The money they make do go to a good cause and supports the very people the RICH REFUSE TO HIRE!
Who does the rich refuse to hire? People who are NOT mentally ill but have cognitive disorders! They don't like to hire the mentally ill either, but I can understand that to a point. They are very much capable of cleaning, recognizing spam and p*rn0 on a website, stocking shelves, etc. Even walmart, doesn't really hire them to stock shelves much (in my area). I do see one such person bringing in the shopping carts, but thats about it. I don't expect Walmart or Target (where I've never seen any work yet in my area) to hire them as cashiers. But, I dare say some of them could work as a cashier. They might not be fast enough, but who cares! I don't qualify because my brain farts and does (literally) God knows what! I used to give back change of 73 cents as 3 quarters, 3 pennies. I've stopped that one, but I still don't know what else I was doing wrong, so won't work cashier, and do not expect them to hire me in any capacity. I'm talking about the other people with cognitive disorders worse then mine, but are quite capable of such jobs and would do those jobs extremely well!
However, I must buy laundry detergent (prefer GREEN, thank you very much, - hating animals and wildlife? I don't!) I do buy cake mix on occasion - Gluten Free! I do buy Tofu, fresh produce, canned beans, canned tomatoes, dvd, cds, and so on. I do buy clothes (but admitted, this is mostly used). I do watch TV and LOTS of it! I am a consumer and I do buy when I can, and do have opinions!
What do I prefer to watch? Dog the Bounty Hunter (Thank you A&E for canceling my fave show, moving them from Weds to Sun. and being a total crapster!) I do not need anymore programs on Wednesdays now. I used to watch Mythbusters (Thanks Discovery for having a nude show that reminds me of that nudist camp I used to be forced to go to where every willie raised to salute me as I walked by. You lost my business entirely! Family channel? FU! You are P*rn0 addicts who need to go learn what causes children to be raped and molested in the first place! HGTV is the ONLY Family channel these days, as Nick JR shows slut at night. Oh yeah, that Sprout is still a Fam Chan. I do not consider butt jokes, boob jokes and sex appropriate for my 14 yr old! So no, I will not take my teens to a pg-13 or pg-14 movie in MOST cases!
And I DO buy and support those few TV shows I can still watch. And do buy the dvds when I can afford too. Thanks! And No, I'm not a conservative Christian. I am a Messianic Jew who still appreciates Harry Potter, and Adventure movies (Red 2, for example).
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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.