Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to MuRdeR and get away with it

Rule number 1: Check your bank balance. You must be a multi-millionaire. CHECK!
Rule number 2: Are drunk? CHECK!
Rule number 3: Are you driving? CHECK!
Rule number 4: Do you have the number 1 lawyers in the entire United States of Bloody Assholes on speed dial? DOUBLE CHECK!
Rule number 5: Were your parents fucking bloody rich and spoiled you rotten? But of course - CHECK!

Then murder away. Just be sure that you murder with the car and are very drunk. Bonus points if you are a teenager and murder a paster and his wife. Who cares about gOd anyways. This is immoral country who murdered Indians, so what do we care about a pastor and his wife?

Yes, I will NEVER EVER watch Young, Hot & Crooked again. I do not need more fuel for my dis the bloody self-centered rich stories. Ever watch the episode about "Mr. and Mrs. Couch and their murderous son Master Couch?" (Names have been changed to protect the bloody arses I'm sure!) The Teen murder 4 people and assaulted 2 other people. The teen, and his 4 passengers walked away with NO DAMAGE whatsoever. 6 innocent people's lives were shattered! And this isn't even beginning to count the hundred that were negatively impacted by the teenager's lack of respect for others.

What was his sentence? Affluenza Defense netted him 10 years PROBATION and some sort of treatment. Fire the Judge! I know, we debar here, but I would have fired the Judge for being a snob who worshiped the rich.

If I ran this country and was that Judge: That bastard would have been sentenced to 40 years in jail with NO possibility of parole. I would have sentenced his parents to the same 40 year sentence for not giving a damn about their son and giving him rules to teach him by. And, after 40 years, put them in a special treatment center called Teen Challenge! Why? They are one of the very few treatment centers with a extremely high success rate. However, the Teen really needs behavioral therapy that is 24/7/365 as he never learned right from wrong. That Teenager may not be fixable. I wouldn't let him out in public unless I knew he actually learned right from wrong and proved that he had empathy. I don't think he does.

Senator Klobuchar and all Congressmen and Congresswoman. I humbly ask you to change FEDERAL LAW  to demand that 100% OF ALL DRUNKS WHO DRIVE be sentenced to a minimum of 2 years in prison (with NO deaths, 1st offense) and then be sentenced to TEEN CHALLENGE (no other treatment center will do) where by they must graduate. If they don't graduate in one years time, they repeat by going back to prison for 2 years and then try teen challenge again. They repeat this ad infinitum until they finally graduate from Teen Challenge.

If they murder: Then, they must spend at least 5 years in prison and then go to Teen Challenge - even on a FIRST offense! And, I'd have them in Teen Challenge for 5 years. Yes, Teen challenge would have to change things so that their program includes intense Post-Traumatic Therapy Treatment and grief counseling.

If they injure innocent victim on 1st offense and then have a 2nd DWI, I'd give them 10 years prison for not caring about other people's lives. If they murder, I'd make it 20 years. And for the one with Affluenza - I'd tack on an additional 5 years of Boot Camp BEFORE Teen Challenge just to help them learn discipline and consequence.

Third DWI - Slam them in prison for life. They don't care about our life. We don't care about their life. But instead of a normal prison. I'd commit them to a psych ward for the criminally depressed. Could they get out? In theory, yes - if they fully rehabilitate after being in the program for 30 years. You do the math 20 + 30 = 50 years in the system and it only took 3 times to win 50 years of Government sponsored housing. The rich that drink and drive deserve this housing of concrete hell. They put my life through hell. What goes around comes around. Its time it came around for them too.

Just keep in mind I'm not capable of violence. This is why I write this blog - under the delusion that maybe someone who can actually MAKE A DIFFERENCE will read this get laws changed! The only violence you'll ever see me make is the pen to paper. I can be acerbic but its for a greater good as soft, kind words has never worked for me. People just don't take me seriously.

NOTE: I might rewrite this to make it more clear as I was very tired when I wrote this.

Oh yes, I think this is clear enough. The Affluenza defense basically means that I AM BLOODY RICH AND CAN MURDER AND DRINK AND DRIVE ALL I WANT AND NEVER DO TIME. I still think that those behind this law, should do time with the poor people in prison just to know what its like. And keep them in their for life. Or, allow their kids to go through the same hell that the pastor and his wife went through. Until our government loses all their family and friends to murder by drunk, they won't change laws. Until they lose their family and friends through murder by gun, they won't change laws. Allowing guns does NOT prevent gun violence! See all the people who had guns in their homes and died anyways. There is way too many of them! I want to move to the UK where guns are banned!

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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.