Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Intolerant Tolerance

Did you know that if you believe that Marriage is between Male and Male, Female and Female, Male and Female, that you are tolerant but if you believe that Marriage is only between Male and Female that you are intolerant? Tolerance is defined by the Liberals as agreeing with every possibility of x! (x factoral) where x = all possibilities you can think of. Thus, if Aliens from Mars becomes available, then Mars Aliens should be allowed to mate with Male or Female too. And, if you disagree, then you are intolerant.

Yes, it is wrong to have a different opinion of Liberals because it's extremely intolerant of you to disagree with the Bloody Liberals. You should be ashamed for disagreeing with God. You know that the Liberals Are God, they Made God and they are One with God. They are the Alpha and the Omega. Because we are all Gods and can produce children, we can produce God.

What? You find this offensive? Well, join the crowd! Unless we start thinking about what we say and what it really means, we end up being so intolerant that we only see tolerance as agreeing with us. Personally, I'm not offended by Gay Marriage. Sure, its not Biblical depending on how you interpret Greek or Hebrew (notice I did not say English!)  But then again, I am very confident in my abilities to raise my child in my beliefs and in my faith, no matter what I believe. Unlike many Liberals and Christians, I am not afraid that my beliefs are going to change and become like the "Enemies" beliefs if I don't eradicate those beliefs. I am very firm in my beliefs. It will literally take an act of God to change my beliefs. Are you this firm in your beliefs? If you were offended by anything I said, then I'd say you are not firm in your beliefs.

Yes, yes, you can argue this semantically and go on to a philosophical diatribe to disprove me in order to prove you are firm in your beliefs. I just refuse to believe that the person who argues the loudest is the one most firm in their beliefs because they are usually the ones who are most on rocky ground. Don't believe me? See Bill Maher. He will ask a Christian a question and then slam them hard in a loud attempt to interrupt and not let their opinions heard on the third word. Bill "I am God" Maher is so anal-retentive that if you disagree with him, then you are wrong!  He bores me with his illogical diatribe. Gordon Ramsay at least listens before he slams you as being a bloody fool. Bill Maher is so impatient and so insecure, risking the lost of his own beliefs, that he can't let your beliefs or opinions in lest he loses his own safety net.

Bill Maher finds safety in hate. He hates those who are Christian. He hates those who are Pro-Life. He dislikes those who are not Vegan. He has no respect for anyone who disagrees with him. He preaches hate, and spouts venomous hate out of his mouth towards anything that threatens his existence. Most Christians don't give tuppence whether he exists or not. If he hates God, that is his problem. If he hates kids, that is his problem. If he hates infants and fetuses that is his problem. Not mine. I do not have to live with such hate tearing me up inside - unless, of course, I choose not to forgive. Without Forgiveness, your insides still are torn up. Why does Bill Maher have all this hate in him? This I can not answer. Why do Liberals have so much Hate in them? They do! If they didn't have so much hate, they wouldn't be so offended by opinions different from their own. Again, I can not answer.

I can't tell you why they have hate in them against Christians and often, against other faiths or religions. But, I can tell you why I no longer desire to marry a Christian. Christians that I have met and dated tend to be self-centered. Many churches I have been to refused to have an allergy free church for those who are sensitive to flowers, potpourri and so on. Churches have refused to share their buildings with Messianic Synagogues in such a way that Messianic Jews can also put up some of their banners. The church has banned Hebrew. The church has banned a Jewish Messiah, except where a Passover teaching is had from time to time. The Sh'ma is ignored as not pertaining to now. See a specific Professor at Northwestern College (and yes, I might have not been clear enough in my writing why the Sh'ma matters today). If I could find that thesis I wrote, I'd tell you what I wrote. In short, the Sh'ma says that everything we do needs to honor God. We must use our hands to honor God. No application to College age Christians? Of course not! They would never use their hands to do something immoral. They never sin by word, thought or deed. This too is illustrated in the Sh'ma as things we ought not to do. No application to modern day Believers? That Professor is a New Testament Snob who needs to get a life and learn that Hebrew and the Old Testament (what I call the Tanach) is not some dead piece of crap written on cow manure that was only valid for Jews and has no real application for Modern Young Adults. He is a 100% fool who I was only too eager to get rid of! Is this intolerant of me? Perhaps. I'm just sick and tired of people telling me that I am wrong and they are right and that their way is the only way. Which brings me back to my whole point of this diatribe I've wrote.

The Opinions of Liberals on Signs is not intolerant but the Opinions on Right Wings are intolerant unless you truly are tolerant of other people's beliefs, opinions, and lifestyle choices. This means you are tolerant of Christians and Non-Christians alike. This means you have your opinion and respect other opinions. This means that you agree to disagree. Oh yes, this last statement is the number one thing that Liberals tend to be incapable of doing. Again, see Bill "I am God" Maher. I have met some Pastors who are capable of agreeing to disagree. I only hope that I too, can agree to disagree and find forgiveness in me for those bleeps who have so successfully kicked me out of the Church, or rather my messianic synagogue. I chose to go on one hand, because of things going on inside of me that I did not like and refused to bring to the synagogue, but on the other hand, I was forced out, by a church who worships themselves and puts themselves and their own preferences above God and above those so allergic. Yes, I've forgave them, and had to reforgive and will have to reforgive them again and again. Someday, maybe I'll stop having to reforgive and maybe the world will change where we not only agree to disagree, but also tolerate those who are different and have different opinions from us. 

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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.