Okay, so I used to have a Realtek AC 97 sound device on a Windows XP. Microshifty kept uninstalling it such that I had to reinstall it in order to get it working. Now, with Windows Shifty 7, I have Conexant SmartAudio HD and Microshitty on Me insist that THAT device MUST be disabled RANDOMLY WHEN IT FEELS LIKE IT EVERY SINGLE TIME I TURN ON MY LAPTOP!
Oh yes, I hate technical devices that insist I play techie everytime I want to use them because some Jacked up Arrogant Shifty Person if Ill repute can't be bothered to program them properly. Take iTunes, for example. They insist that no one gives tuppence about Foreign radio stations as we all prefer their stupid English one in their stupid English ABC order. I don't. I don't relish wading through 100 crappy sexually explicit radio stations to find my one Industrial station that was never on their list in the first place. I do not wish to wade through their arrogant crap to find my German Punk does not exist. I prefer MY Radio playlist MY way, in MY order. iTunes bans us from putting radio stations in a playlist in custom order! It must be alphabetical because those with cognitive disorders are too stupid to even know how to find their radio stations unless its in OUR RIGHTEOUS ORDER! I hate MACS!
Macs are worse then PC. How so? Macs insist that NO ONE has the rights to a cognitive disorder or a Colour processing disorder. They insist they your theme is a pile of crap that is wrong and not easy to use and is too complicated for you. They insist that we are so stupid in the head that we flunked Nursery School and needs everything done for us and decided for us because we who need high contrast are crapheads who lie and do not use computers wisely. If we insist on black on white, then we are stupid because our brains can only learn to process their stupid pale blue if we use their pale blue exclusively. Personally, I prefer bright, blinding royal blue on black background. Most people hate this theme! They can't read it. It calms me. And no, I won't say what I'd love to say about Mac and PC. Suffice it to say...Laikainen Sika Lanta doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.
Ubuntu type products: I'd use them but I can't use terminal everytime I need to tweak sound and get it working. Sorry! Techie isn't my cup of tea. That is why I switched back to PC in the first place. I had no choice. I can program a Webpage faster then I can figure out how to get sound working in Ubuntu.
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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.