NRA is up in arms over an Obama Ad. I am up in arms at NRA's insistence on not understanding how dangerous it is to be a high profile person of wealth. President Obama's daughters are more likely to be kidnapped then almost any daughter of an NRA member. Who do you think might want to kidnap them to further their evil cause? Do you really think that the average daughter would be just as enticing? I assure you, they would get more publicity from someone rich (for their money) or famous (just for media attention).
Would armed guards had prevented the tragedy? What happens during Martial Law? It is an immediate response to secure an unsecure city. Armed men rule the streets. It results in less violence from citizens, because no one is allowed to do anything after dark. Obviously, less crime is going to happen.
What about schools? Would armed guards have prevented this? They only could have prevented this if they shot and killed anyone who they thought had a gun, before the evil one had a chance to kill. Those vest do not protect all areas of the human body. The face, arms, hands, and legs are still very much exposed.
What would really help immensely to stop the violence in this country? Adding more counselors to schools would NOT help. I knew a kid who spend half his life in the counselors office and laughed at them. He laughed at authority. He did not give one iota what they said or thought. Lets try Behavioral Therapist who are trained to deal with PTSD, Arrogantly abusive Parents and helping children overcome the results of such abusive parenting, Autism, Aspergers and Mental Illness. These Behavioral Therapist would work in every classroom, during the entire day and would work one on one with those students who needed such help.
Anyone whose mental condition makes them afraid of people do NOT need to be mainstreamed! I've said this before in another post. What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary is what we should expect when someone who has a severe phobia is forced to face their phobia without the proper help. Why do you think they use a circular rope and have severe autistics hang on to the rope, and then slowly learn to go into the inner circle and closer to other kids just like them? They need to slowly get used to being around people. They need to be taught, one on one, how to read body language and how to interpret the world around them.
People who are not in their right minds are not the same people who are dealing with Austism Spectrum Disorders. Austism Spectrum Disorder parallels mental illness, but its not a mental illness. They just don't make sense of the world around them like we do. The Mentally Ill has a distorted view of the world around them. The difference is this. Pretend you were suddenly jaunted into a world with strange body language and spoke a language you didn't understand at all. Pretend they only spoke at you with no clues as to what they wanted. This is what some people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders see. This is not true of all people with this disorder, as the disorder has many levels of severity. People with this disorder have many more ways of viewing life, just like the rest of the world does.
The severely mentally ill, tend to be more angry, more depressed, more emotional but the difference is still in the brain and how the brain processes the world. They are more likely to hear voices and act on those voices they hear.
Behavioral Therapy where by the person works with the client IN the situations that the client goes through as the client is going through them (live time, if you will) can help teach the client how to behave and process the world around them.
Prevention would do more to change lives then laws to ban would. If we had cops on every corner, the pick pockets would just learn to be more clever in picking that pocket. If we were to teach people how to create their own healthy, legal jobs, they wouldn't have a need to pick pocket. No, paying for business degrees won't teach them this. It would help, though. Students need to be helped in finding their talents and helped in figuring out how they can make money off of their talents. Students also need to learn how to overcome their violent childhood whether that violence is due to theirs or others mental illness. They need to be taught how to read the world around them, no matter how their brain is wired. This will do more to prevent what happened at Sandy Hook, then any gun control law can. Remember, gang members still get guns and most of those guns they get, are illegally gotten.
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