Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Dr. Wheeler and his ALLEGED Perjury in the Court of Law

Dr. Wheeler has been paid millions of $$$ to allegedly lie in court and deny ALL Black lung sufferers the puny $1,000 a month due to black lung. No matter how black that lung is, Dr. Wheeler says the same thing....NO ONE he has seen (at John Hopkins Medical Facility) has EVER had Black Lung!

I want him arrested for allegedly lying in the court of law and denying the poor the benefits (puny shitty benefits) that they deserve! I want him to pay millions of dollars in restitution to all those families he  allegedly fucked over. I want the mining companies to pay billions of dollars for every person they  allegedly fucked over! I think it is time we stop the evil that the rich is doing to us. I want them arrested and thrown into OUR slammers and face OUR discrimination. They can sit in prison with other criminals, and face the same rules and the same lifestyle with NO privileges.
Justice should be served and it is about time the USA stopped the Rich from playing God with the Poor!

Signed a Poor person who does not expect to be hired. (Other people, who do NOT have MY FAS, are much better at working them I am. My FAS makes my brain show up only when IT wants to, which makes it problematic.)

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Sometimes I write in "Devils Advocate" mode just to make a point, or to get you to feel how I really feel, in the only way I know how. Thanks! I'm moderating all comments for this reason.