A very long time ago, I had the opportunity to study textbooks and their version of History. We all know that the same History is told differently in various countries. It has been long considered the "norm" for these textbooks to be biased towards the opinions of the Country the textbook is being sold too. Thus, you would think that the textbooks being used in American Schools, would be biased towards American Governmental beliefs. Instead, that is not the case where the Muslim countries are concerned. What follows is my own findings. However, the more detailed analysis can be found at the links given below.
These textbooks are instead saying that all Muslims are given Equal
rights - both Women and Men. For excellent articles on all that is
going with American Textbooks, please read Islam indoctrination in USA Textbooks and Stakelbeck on Terror.
My own findings:
Muslims in America that I have had contact with are very much against Anti-Semitism. Iran, Iraq and other most other Muslim Countries are very much against Christians and Jews. They are also against any faith that they see a threat to keeping their people Muslim. Iran and Iraq do not give Women equal rights. Where ever you see a Woman in a Burka (spelling?), they do not have equal rights. Do you see men wearing Burka's and covering up their faces too?
Women are not allowed to go shopping, go to school or drive unless they are given permission first, from their husband. They are often brutally abused and raped, but not all of them are treated so harshly. Illiteracy runs very high amongst women in Muslim countries. Illiteracy is used to keep them from learning what they are missing. It keeps them depressed and reliant upon their husbands for food, clothes and security.
The Official Koran, as found in Iran and Iraq, has in its pages wording that can only be translated as "Kill the Jews". There is no other way to see this. The version of the Koran, as it is translated into English and sold in America, conveniently leaves out this wording. Just learn the language and get a hold of the official Koran from the Middle East and read it for yourself. I do not speak Arabic or Persian, but have been told this by my brother, who learned it from a scholar.
What does watered down textbooks do for us? It makes us look at other cultures through "Rose coloured glasses". Yes, they have the right to live how they choose. However, we do not have the rights to lie about how they live. Our children needs to be told the truth so that they can decide for themselves with all the facts in hand, how they want to relate to those other cultures. And, while we are at it, we need to tell the truth about how Muslims in America live and believe. There is a huge difference between the Middle Eastern Muslim culture and the American Muslim culture. One is rooted and enforced hate, while the other is rooted and practices love, peace and tolerance for other faiths.
I am very much against the Female mutilation that is practiced in many Muslim cultures. Many Muslims have taken their daughters and fled to America in order to protect their daughters from such inhumane practices. The Muslim Women have united and meet in a council every year to discuss Woman's Rights within Muslim countries. Some of these Women have many rights and are almost equal with their Men. Most Women, however, do not have such rights and are instead, treated like property. Many, but not all, are treated no better then slaves. They are slaves to the house they live in. They are not allowed to see the Sun or to go outside and enjoy the sun. They must do whatever their husband commands of them. He does not have to lift a finger inside the house. She is expected to do all the chores inside the house. The male children do not have chores either. It is the daughters who have chores. It is a very Male dominated society. The Male's rule with an iron hand. Vitamin D Deficiency is very common because they aren't allowed to get Sun. This is what American Textbooks are not saying.
We need to start telling the truth and stop the "Lies of Omission" and the Watering down of our textbooks or our Children will not have the facts they need in order to make informed decisions.
N.B. I might rewrite this eventually.
Sorry for the grammatical errors. I just don't have the time to fix them right now. :P