I have seen way too many documentaries on crimes where by the evidence that was denied the treatment it deserved was largely ignored by arrogant police ONLY to find that many years later, after it was too late to do any justice, that evidence was found to be the KEY to solve the case.
Why are police so stuck in the mud and think they have all the answers? They don't! Every lead, every tip must be taken seriously! It IS their job! I'm not saying all police are this way. I'm only saying that specific police who hold those nose at evidence and disdain that evidence are arrogant. Yes, I know hunches and "I've been on numerous cases and I just know". Well? Guess what? You CAN be wrong for once! You are not God so remember that!
This website that used to "change baby names" changed mysteriously. I am hoping that the British Government is investigating this company and evidence that connects the website with Baby Lisa IS found and forwarded to not only the Police and the FBI working on the case, but also the lawyer of the parents. I just don't trust what is going on. I don't want some fool hiding what was sent as "rubbish" or something they just haven't gotten around to looking at. That has happened way too many times before. I kmow you have millions of leads and only so many hands. However, I think where this credit card is concerned, I think its worth it.
Now the Mother. Why the bloody hell are you drinking when you have a newborn in the house? Are you nucking futs? NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GETS DRUNK WHEN THEY HAVE INFANT IN HOUSE! IT IS DANGEROUS AND CAN KILL THE KID! And, if you are breastfeeding? Doesn't alcohol get in the breast milk? Especially if you had quit a few to drink?
Maybe teen challenge is in order - for both parents - to get rid of the need for alcohol. It won't bring your daughter home, but it will help prevent future kids from going missing. And, who watched the kid while you were getting drunk? I'm not accusing the parents of taking their own kid. But, I am saying that when you mess with your mind with brain altering drugs, in this case, alcohol, you are bound to inadvertently endanger your child by not being there to protect them, when they needed it most.
Baby monitors are there for a reason. Use them! If you are too drunk to hear the baby monitor, then you are not capable of being a protective mother. You leave your child vulnerable. And, where was the father in all this? How much did HE have to drink? He is just as guilty as she is.
My own background: My mother may have had a drink while pregnant with me. We are not sure. (Update: My dad is very sure she did.) If she did, then her mother did too. If she did not, then my cognitive disorder is plainly genetic. I'm hoping it is genetic. Why? I would hate to know that my life is crap because my mother didn't know any better in 1964. Yes, I'm trying to change all this. However, alcohol is still a very real plausibility. My dad thinks she had a drink. All this is immaterial because my mom's dad drank and murdered his wife and committed suicide. The abuse I suffered was because of this and my mom's PTSD.
What does this have to do with Baby Lisa? Lots. Alcohol is behind my own lack of success in life. Alcohol is behind Baby Lisa going missing. Alcohol has destroyed two lives (and countless more). My life I can change for the better. I am working on this as we speak. What I am doing does not matter. What does matter is that alcohol is the biggest reason why people go missing, people die - and most of them innocent people. Baby Lisa was innocent. She relied on her mother and father for protection. That protection she did not get from her mother or her father.
Are the parents guilty? They are only guilty of not using a baby monitor properly and being too drunk to protect their baby. I seriously doubt that they did something with the baby.
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