Have a job? Just wait! You'll lose it overseas!
Want to buy something online with a gift card? Just Wait! It will be denied because the business processing bank is overseas.
Want to buy software online with a gift card? Just Wait! You can't even use it through PayPal because the Gift Card issuing bank will STILL deny it because they deny PayPal because the business you are really purchasing from...is still OVERSEAS!
And, you wonder why you can't find work? My biggest beef about all of this is I want to move to England so badly that it hurts. My fave sports and music is overseas. My fave cheese is overseas. Everything I love...architecture, nature, accents...is overseas. And No, I'm not talking about quaint English cottages. They can keep those, thank you very much. I love English Tudor. I lived in a faux English Tudor as a child and always loved it.
I just feel like I live in a prison where you are only allowed to buy crappy stuff that doesn't give tuppence about your likes, allergies or interest. Crappy really only applies to Walmart cheap junk and almost ALL food. That is because the Foolish Drug Arses (FDA) does not WANT you to know what is in your food. They'd rather you died already like a good little bloody arse. Sorry, but I refuse to die.
My other issue is that I need a root canal and NO ONE can pay for it. Gov't doesn't give tuppence again whether I live or die. They don't give Dental coverage and those bastards in office is trying to reverse Obama Care - which admittedly, is bad when they require you to pay money you don't have. Let's face it, medical is not cheap. And, it doesn't bring the cost down where we can afford it. However, for those who want it, I say they should be allowed to get it.
And, my family? My dad doesn't want to pay for it and insist that his friends always got their dental care for free and that I can too. His friends kept going into nursing homes where dental IS free as far as immediate out of pocket is concerned, but is NOT free in the end, because you are just paying the Nursing Home bill which is high. They take as much as they can get out of you.
Also, MA - Medical Assistance. That pays too. However, because I am on disability, I get Medicrap which is not the same thing, and won't pay. I can't get MA. I do not qualify because I DO have medical.
Lastly, there is this program out where I live (forget the name), but in short if you are on disability and FIND a part time job, you might get some dental coverage but not necessarily. It would be through Minnesota Care. The problem is that if you make too much on disability, then you don't qualify for the program. If you don't have a part time job, you don't qualify. And, if you make too much money between disability AND the part time job, you don't qualify. I didn't qualify before because I made too much money on disability. I was the bloody arse who bent over backwards too stay OFF of disability and work for as long as I could. It would have been cheaper for me to simply stop working a few years sooner. No Thanks!
And, let's say you qualify for the program. Then what? NO dental office wants you because the government refuses to pay the reality check for dental care. Is root canals covered? I don't know. My Social Worker has not called me back and if she is out of town, then I won't ever know. I don't have that much time.
Bottom line is that if I don't get the Root Canal taken care of in a timely manner, then I die. End of story. And, my dad is shelling out $10000 for cremation and a head stone because he was the arse who refused to pay for the root canal in a timely manner. And I WIN because I won't have the stress I am under now and won't have to deal with Mr. Willie Head. Brits: Yes, I am combining terms here that in American English is harmless. My apologies to you because I really do mean the British meaning here.
Truthfully, Europe is in an economic dumps. USA is in an economic dumps and the only economy that is booming is the bloody rich in India where all the jobs went. And, I will eventually move to England. It just might take an act of God to get me out of England once I arrive. I've never appreciated USA ever since I was a little girl. I've healed from the pain, but never could get England out of my mind. Ever. I tried. I assumed that when I forgave everyone millions of times for everything they do wrong repeatedly, that I would be happy just spending 2 weeks in England every so often on Holiday. No, not true. That was a delusion. England is not perfect, but perfection wasn't what I was after. Yes, taxes are a little higher there then here. It really is comparable to here though. I've checked and it really isn't all that bad. With insurance cost, I was paying close to 30% of my salary to medical and taxes, which is only slightly cheaper then the tax bracket I might get in England. However, my insurance was heavily subsidized by the company I worked for. Had I been working for McDonald's, I would be paying a lot higher price - $300 more, approximately.
USA has given me freedom from tyranny. Bull! I am under tyranny of being part of the not privileged group of people with the "rare" allergies. I am part of the not privileged group of people on disability. I am tyranized, discriminated against, kicked to the curb and despite all of this, I refuse to give up and die. I'll die on my own terms. And, if the root canal kills me, then the prophecy over my head was a lie. I doubt that, so my dad will be forced to pay for the root canal. My mom will probably take me and pay for it.
My sister will help me spend the gift card on her groceries and her gas. I'll get cash to spend elsewhere. I won't get my music from England. I won't get the software program from overseas. I won't get all the things you take for granted. I won't make money off of that software that allows you to create games and possibly, if you are good enough, sell them for money. I won't get off of disability that way. I didn't think it was possible for me to sell my own games I created anyways. I'm not that good. I'll just have to wait a few more months and see what is up then. I believe I'll meet Mr. Right very soon. It might not be this year, but I will...after all my major bills come due.
UPDATE: MA rules changed so now I have a $500 spenddown that makes me HOMELESS because I can NOT pay my morgage. Fuching Feds and the State do NOT give a damn about what things really cost to do business these days but insist that if they pay 80's prices that the business owners will lower the price. FEDERAL and STATE GOV'T IS A PACK OF SHIESSKOPFS WITH THEIR FUCHING HEADS IN THE SAND! To hell with them! I've been voting them out of office for years!
UPDATE: MA rules changed. I can now get MA but have a $500 spend down to make me dirt poor and not be able to afford Housing. Because my dad will instead pay the $500, I get to keep my house. Federal Shiesskopfs really need to get a reality check because just because they refuse to pay it does not make it cheaper for us bloody arses on disability.