Sunday, December 30, 2012

Only Children who are Actors does Drugs....NOT!

Look around you at every single school that houses children ages 13 - 18. Only look at those who do NOT work professionally in acting or modelling. How many of them are on drugs? How many of them drink?

Look around you at those same children in those schools, but this time only look at those who professionally act or model. How many of them are on drugs? How many of them drink?

Can we honestly say that acting and modeling causes children to drink and do drugs? Can we honestly say that if we BAN them from acting and modeling that they will NOT touch drinking and drugs? Seriously folks! Stop trying to ban children from acting and modeling. Instead, wouldn't it be better if we taught them how to deal with temptation and the stressers of life in the first place? Only those children who are taught how to deal with life face on, is really best equipped to stay away from drugs and alcohol. They are less likely to smoke too. And, just maybe, we can start with the adults and stop our own addictions. We drink and smoke. Some of us do drugs. What are we teaching kids? We are teaching them that a real adult who is worth their weight in Gold murders their body with drugs, alcohol and smoking. We are suicidal. We only deal with life through the bottom of a bottle, drugs or smoking. Our self-esteem is low. We follow the crowd of God-Haters and think that that is how we should be too. We are dying inside.

Some of us only have self-esteem if we wear make-up or dress sexy. Others only have self-esteem if they do only what the majority do. Guess what? Self-esteem doesn't come from the bottom of a compact kit or from how many men lust after you as you walk by. Self-esteem comes from within. Are you teaching your children this? You should be. I have gone to so many different churches and I look around. The bathrooms in American churches (haven't seen the toilets in UK yet) tend to have scented sprays or oils. I've seen many a women put on their make-up in there, or put on hair spray. God does not see an ugly wart when He looks at Women. Women see an ugly wart when they look at themselves. This ugly wart is the ghostly face they see in the mirror no matter how colourful their face is without make-up.

This view of self is why so many people are persuaded to follow the crowd towards drinking in the first place. This view of self is why so many people smoke. This view of self is why so many people do drugs. Acting or modeling did not cause this. Lack of true self-esteem caused this. Not learning how to deal with temptations or stresses in life causes drinking, doing drugs and or smoking. Teach your children how to deal with life - its temptations, it stresses, it up and downs - and you will have a child full of real self-esteem who stays true to themselves and stays clear of drugs, alcohol and smoking. They may even decide that they don't need to wear make-up. I did.

However, my parents did not teach me this. I taught  myself how to have self-esteem from within. I came from a very dysfunctional family. I was taught hate, fear, abandonment, 'parn' addiction and war. I had to teach myself so that I would not make the same mistakes the people all around me were making. I saw my mom wear make-up and still beat herself up because the house wasn't perfect enough.  I saw my dad parade around the house as he worshiped his own skin. He was a flake. He would make us attend church on Sundays, Legal Child 'Parnography camp' on weekends, and lead family Bible Study in his skin on that piano bench, with his fake tears of how much God meant to him. I only saw Hypocrisy. I only saw addiction. My mother was violent. She shook me until I passed out twice as an infant because she was afraid that she was going to be a bad mom. So, she became a bad mom - a black witch. I called her the 'B' word for many years. I even fantasized how some evil person would come into the house and murder my parents or murder me. (Hint: This was back then, and NOT how I am now! Why I've wrote this blog post.)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a killer disease. It kills families, friends, relationships, strangers, enemies it kills every living thing that gets in its way. It also kills peace. I was afraid of the night, not the dark. Even though blood was not shed in my immediate family, blood was shed in my mom's immediate family. She learned fear and abandonment from her mom and dad. Her dad was an alcoholic who killed her mom and then committed suicide. He wasn't taught how to deal with life. His relatives were drunks. The whole clan were drunks. They lived by the bottle, they swore by the bottle. They lived the bottle. The bottle killed them.

This is why we need to teach ourselves and our children how to deal with life without using a crutch. Drugs, smoking and drinking do not make life change for the better. Instead, those things will only make life change for the worst. My mother lost her parents to murder-suicide when she was Nine years old. It is time we stop the violence to our bodies and our suicidal tendencies. It is time we stop teaching our children how to commit slow suicide. Teach your children how to deal with stress and temptation. Teach them to stand up for others. Teach them how to live in harmony with others. (No, I'm not saying teach them pacifist lifestyle. The Jews were almost wiped out from Earth due to pacifist beliefs. Many people lost their lives and their freedom because of stupid pacifist who refused to believe what was really going on. You can NOT appease a maniac and get peace. Hint: Hamas means Violence. They are ONLY about Violence. They murdered 150 PALESTINIAN BOYS! And you thought they were all for kill the Jews in favour of the Palestinians. They aren't. They only want violence for violence's sake. Those 150 boys were mostly, but not all, kidnapped and forced to dig tunnels into Israel. Only a small amount of boys volunteered.)

PTSD needs to be dealt with in professional therapy and needs to include Life Skills, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Journaling with reframing, Anger management (in most cases), Stress Release classes, and proper diet and exercise. B vitamin supplements and D3 Vitamins are highly recommended.

Thanks for reading this!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder or Aspergers and fear of people

What is it like to be afraid of people? Its like having a spider phobia or a bee phobia except instead of avoiding those insects, you are forced to have them near you en mass every second of every day except when you sleep or can stay in your room. When in your room, you might hear those spiders or bees and this can scare you. Knowing that tomorrow, you will have to go out and face your phobia again is like facing hell. They become the enemy because you are so afraid of them, and because they never go away. They are always there, doing things you do not understand. They talk, they move and have body language that is foreign.

Imagine yourself kidnapped and put in the middle of a Muslim Extremists Camp. You are the only American. They have you surrounded as they go about their business. They make movements with their arms and hands but you do not understand what they are doing or saying. This is a rough idea of what it feels like to have a fear of people and be forced to move amongst them. The only difference is that the spoken and written language is often understood to a point. Its the body language that is often misunderstood. The finer points of language - the idioms, metaphors and ironies - can be missed or misunderstood by those with Autistic Spectrum disorders. Combine this with a mind that sees people as "the enemy" who is out to get you and you can have a recipe for disaster.

Another example is this. Putting a person who is afraid of people in a school, and making them mainstream and walk around at the same time as those people are walking around is the same as tossing a child into the middle of a lake and yelling at them to swim to shore without teaching them how to swim.

What is the solution then? With Severe Autism, they will use a circle rope and have the students hang on to the rope. They will slowly force the students to go a little closer to the inner circle and then bring them out, just so they get used to getting closer to people.

Hypnotism I am against on principle. However, I do wonder if it would have any long term effects on those with irrational fears. It might be cheaper then the method I personally prefer - Behavioral Therapy that includes 1 on 1 for forty hours per week, fifty weeks per year. This would be the type of therapy they use with severe OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) cases, but would have the procedure tailored specifically to the needs of the client. The therapist would go every wheres with the client and would act as an interpreter. They would also teach the client how to act and help them see the truth about someone else and about themselves. This therapy would happen at home to begin with. The client would not be forced into school until they are ready for school. They would slowly learn to get used to more people.

The client would not graduate into "being mainstreamed" ASAP. Instead, the goal would be to get the client comfortable with society as individuals and as a whole. Some of these clients have the problem that they see every cell in every leaf, and in every bark in every tree. These cells are everything a person says and does. These cells are every little minute detail in society. Imagine millions of these cells in every individual. You will see these cells as a person. The person who is afraid of people, sees the millions cells doing something other million cells. They then see billions of cells and do not always understand people as a person here and a different person there.  Their brain sees all the body language and speech at one time. This in turn becomes a blank wall. This wall contains so much data, that it is black and not readable. The text on that wall is black and looks like someone attempted to write the entire Bible on 1 sheet of paper and when they ran out of space, they started over from the top of the sheet. This is what it is like to have Severe Autism or Severe Aspergers and have a fear of people. This is how communication looks to me, in my brain.

It is hard to see peace, when you have an inability to sort through these cells, and piece them together to form a cohesive whole, and see one person only, and not all the other people and their cells. The Behavioral Therapist would help them sort through those cells and see the forest and then the trees, instead of seeing only the cells of that forest.

The client would write in some fashion stories that reflect their reality and the reality around them. They would read thousands of scripts that each contain the portion of dialogue to be understood that day. Role playing where they play the characters in those scripts would be apart of the therapy. They would learn how to act through acting classes that are strictly one on one, or two on one. More people will only be added to that class as the client is ready. The people added should include people who are like them and their teachers. Thus, if client A-One has graduated to having two teachers and client B-Two has graduated to having two teachers, then all 6 people would be apart of the class. However, the clients would be introduced to the new people one at a time and only when they are ready will the have all 6 in the same class at the same  time. The Six people includes the clients, of course.

The focus would be on life skills and living skills. Academics would be taught differently. A homeschooling method that included Sociological and Cultural approach to History, Maths, English, Grammar, and Science would be used. Specific techniques needed to help client overcome specific signs of a Learning Disability would also be included. For example, if the client has a cognitive disorder, meaning that they have Dyslexic Spectrum signs, but no one sign dominates, then they would have several Trainings that is specifically used on Auditory Dyslexics, Visual Dyslexics, Dyscalculia, and so on, as if they only had 1 of those signs instead of all of them. They would not be treated how Cognitive Disorders are currently treated as that method assumes an incapability of achieving anything great. This is does Cognitive Disorder Clients a disservice. I should know, I am one of them. My area of Savantness is in Social Science - Sociology. This is what I learned through personal life experiences and in my many classes I took at two Universities. I graduated from the latter, when they were registered as a college. They are becoming a University and are still deciding on their new name. I was an over-achiever who lacks the ability to pass the GRE so I can get my masters in the subject I was well versed in.

This is all I can say for now on this subject. The coffee shop I post at is busy and I am leaving.