Thursday, September 26, 2013

Diabetes cure

Diabetes is a hot topic with lots of lies being spread by the drug companies who make more money keeping you sick! Gastric bypass surgery can cure diabetes, BUT if you keep eating the same way you have ate, that caused the fat lifestyle, I guarantee you that your diabetes will come back!

NOTE: Type I diabetes has in some cases, been found to be caused by a virus attacking the pancreas. The below applies to Type II diabetes ONLY.

What is the real cure? Expensive surgeries that could go wrong? Paying thousands of dollars on surgery, insulin and pills? Why is it so hard to get the word out that the VEGAN DIET has already been PROVEN to reverse TYPE II diabetes? Why are they trying to shut us up?


1) The farmers NEED you to EAT unhealthy! They make money off of causing Dementia, Diabetes and Alzheimers. Granted, it is too much iron, zinc and copper that is causing the dementia and alzheimer's. However, Beef contains too much iron in one serving - especially for Men, who don't require as much iron. Dr. Neal Barnard discovered that when he looked that latest research (2013) and applied to his own family, which has a higher than national average amount of Alzheimer's.

2) Drug Companies make more money if you have heart and kidney issues. Dr. Neal Barnard and his fellow researchers found that the traditional meat and chicken laden diet for Diabetics caused damage to the kidneys. The control diet of chicken and fish, had the same issue of damaging the kidneys. The control diet just didn't damage it as much as the meat and chicken laden diet did.

3) Gastric Bypass Surgery ONLY works if YOU change your lifestyle. Many people have gastric bypass surgery, lose all this weight in a quick, only to gain it all back because their number one food of choice is sugar and beef. Donuts, Cakes, Snacky Oily foods with hotdogs on gluten buns, and lots of hamburgers and fast food eats.

4) Yes, Dr. Oz did a show on how to eat fast food healthily. There is NO such thing as eating fast food healthily! Why? The Vegan diet has proven to not only reverse diabetes, but it also produces a akaline stomach which in turn, helps prevent cancer. The "I hate Vegan" diet makes the stomach very acidic and proned to cancer. Thus, gastric bypass could still lead to cancer because  your diet won't necessarily change enough to prevent cancer.

Proof: My dad, who used to eat tons of beef and chicken, had colon and prostrate cancer. My mom, who loves beef and chicken, had breast cancer. Sure, my dad would have his salad every day, but that salad came with meat and avian. ME: No cancer yet and I eat mostly Vegan, BUT keep finding myself eating cheese from time to time (due to my food allergies).

I expect to have cancer IF I don't stay on the Vegan Diet. Also, it does help to NOT be intolerant of Broccoli and Cauliflower. These vegetables are key in preventing breast cancer. It really is a combination thing though: You have to eat these with lots of veggies in your diet to produce a good alkaline environment. Lots of Fiber is also key, as this helps keep the colon track clean, which in turn helps prevent colon cancer. Vegan diet is usually very high fiber.

5) According to,
“With more research, we hope that we can find ways to, as we say, bypass the bypass,” Stylopoulos said. “This mechanism we found is very promising because unlike other organs, such as the brain for example, intestines are easily accessible, and the life of those cells is only about two days, so we can easily study and manipulate these cells without having long-term problems.”
“It may be possible to pharmacologically mimic the effect of the undigested food to induce glucose metabolism in the intestine (which of course is highly accessible to oral drugs) independent of surgery,” Mobbs said. “This could lead to a revolution in the treatment of diabetes, possibly including type 1 as well as type 2.”

Yes, lets bypass the surgery (which isn't necessary, as diet and exercise does the same thing) and produce another pill which could have the same really bad side effects as the current diabetic pills (which have been the subject to lawsuits.) The Vegan diet does NOT require needles, surgeries, pills, or insulin in most cases in the long run. In the short run, you will probably still need to stay on your current diabetes insulin shots and testing. Improvements in health has been seen in two months time, in some cases, but other cases have taken up to two years - according to various anecdotal evidence I've found online in various forums, plus what I've read in various books. I highly recommend Dr. Neal Barnard's book, "Program for Reversing Diabetes". He discusses diet in relationship to many different common health issues we face, including diabetes. He also mentions the study that proved how good a vegan diet can be.

Why does the Vegan diet NOT work? There ARE MANY exceptions to the below - kudos to those who are part of the exceptional class of exceptions! The below does NOT refer to the exceptions!

Christians by and large won't marry you if you are vegan.
Christian by and large won't accommodate your veganism. See all the meetings and pot "blessings" that serve cursed foods or are held at restaurants that do not accommodate Vegans.
Christians and their tendency to harass and ridicule the vegans is outrageous!
Non-Christians won't marry  you if you are vegan.
Non-Christains won't accommodate your veganism. See all the meetings and meet-ups that are held at "I hate Vegans" restaurants and all the "I hate Vegans" foods they insist you can eat! Oh yes, Christians do this too.
Non-Christians and their tnedency to harass and ridicule the vegans is outrageous!
In short, Society HATES Vegans! This hate has got to stop!

So why am I putting the Christians first? According to THEM, they are suppose to be setting the good example! Thats why! The Non-believers don't have a book of rules they worship. Christians do. To be fair, God is NOT about rules. He is about relationship. The rules were only meant as guidelines and not as harsh rules with harsh consequences if you don't follow them to the letter. SOME Christians have gotten that bit all wrong.

Bottom line? Go Vegan and stop harassing the vegans and your body and cure your Diabetes (or prevent it)!

NOTE: Gestational Diabetics can NOT go Vegan in most cases. This is because their body doesn't process ANY carbs properly at all! They need as low carb diet as possible while not being TOO low carb.

Also, those with heart or ilium surgery do not absorb Vitamin B12 very well. I do not recommend going strict Vegan. I'd add Salmon to the diet and work closely with your doctor and dietician to figure out how YOUR body digest B12 adequately.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Y'Shua vs. Jesus

I don't care what language you speak or what word you have for Y'Shua, Jesu, Jesus, Gospodyn, and so on. I think you can call him anything you want, and that He knows YOUR heart.

So, why do I think that you should really call him Y'Shua /ye-SHUH-ah/? Would I take your name John and insist on calling you Yochanan?

Think about the legal consequences if every time we went to another country, our passports was forced to be changed so that our name was in THEIR native tongue and that THEY could choose which one of their names they wanted to call us. Would you feel like your name was disrespected? This is exactly what goes through my mind every time a Christian enters a Messianic Synagogue AND insist that our services be changed to be more "Christian". This is a minority of Christians who do this, but they seem to make the majority of issues. They insist we do the entire service and songs in English. They are so against our Hebrew that they even interrupt our services to come in AFTER the liturgy. They want our service to reek of their Christian service with their Christian Conservative version of the Sermon content and length. These people are usually against the moving of the Holy Spirit. They prefer to squelch the Holy Spirit and the moving of God.

N.B.: Ask other Messianic Jews to be sure what I wrote below is correct. I did do some research on this, but I am a little tired and might inadvertently type the opposite of what I mean AND not catch it despite many rereads. Thanks!

These people are not the original "Hebrew" haters. They did not originate the removing of Judaica from the Messianic Judaic Faith, which became known as the Christian faith, and later, Messianic Jews took back the reigns and re-established the Messianic Judaic Faith. The original  "Christians" were Messianic JEWS and NOT Lutefisk eating Norwegians who only attended Lutheran Church. They actually attended - wait for it....a Synagogue! A JEWISH place of Worship! A Synagogue that spoke Hebrew and actually promoted and celebrated ALL the Jewish High Holy Days?

So what happened? Constantine became saved and made a few changes to the faith in his attempt to end discrimination and persecution of the Christians. The Martyr Life of Christians Era ended. And with it, so did much of the Jewishness of the Christian Faith. There is some debate between what is and is not true about Y'Shua.

According to Reformation Organization (, Constantine changed the place and time of the Resurrection of Y'Shua and the time of Y'Shua's birth. We Messianic Jews believe that Y'Shua was most likely born during Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles which starts tonight at sundown). Constantine is being given credit for the establishment of Christmas in December.

The Reformation period came in, and anti-semitism took root so violently, that it led to the erroneous belief that the church replaced Yisrael (Israel). This is the same as saying Y'Shua changed his name to Jesus and started eating Lutefisk and worshipping Lutefisk as the Sacrificial Lamb. Oh, are you offended yet? Did I just slam Lutherans?

The Reformation also led to the murder of the Jews who refused to convert to "Hating of Y'Shua disguised as Biblical". For the record, when I was forced against my will to stand in a Lutheran Jew Hating Church and go through stage one of Confirmation (stage 2 being the following year), I said Kol Nidre! My picture is NOT on that church's confirmation board. I looked and was relieved! Yes, the famed, worshipped Martin Luther, technically had a huge hand in this folly. Constatine started the folly, Luther urged it along, and Luthers followers put the final touches to it. NOTE: Luther himself, I'm told was NOT anti-semitic! He also was dead many years before Luther followers were murdering Jews who refused to convert. This murder of Jews was NOT Luther's doing at all! He would NOT have supported this.

What does any of this have to do with what we call our Messiah? Everything! We are arrogantly prejudice towards OUR language, OUR culture and OUR comfort zones. We are prejudice against anything that we can't easily make sense of. This is why we refuse to learn Sign Language and brag about how "stupid we are in our head and bad with our hands". Its why we refuse to learn how to be friends with and help the mentally ill. Its why we insist that the mentally ill, proabilitied (disabled) and the Austism spectrum disordered children are mainstreamed as quickly as possible. We refuse to be moved outside of our comfort zone. We want what we know and do not want to learn anything knew lest we die of shock! And yet, Hellish Horror movies are popular. Go figure! Does it matter that Christians don't watch those movies? No, not really. Society's unsaved are just as worshipful of their comfort zones as the saved are. Its just that we saved should know better! Y'Shua did NOT go around hating people, dissing people and sentencing people to the cold treatment and other horrors that are too horrorific for me to name currently.

This prejudice is why when a foreigner comes to America for a taste of freedom, we give them the American prejudice treatment of "I can't be bothered to learn how to properly say Andrzejek, so do you mind if we just call you Andrew?" or for Katarzyna, "Can I call you Kat?" And for Kytriya...."Why do they call you Kite? I just can't remember how you pronounce your name. Mind if I call you Stacy?" Stacy? Why do people think that Stacy and Kyt (pronounced Keet) are remotely the same thing?

To be perfectly clear, Y'Shua doesn't care what you call Him as long as you have a relationship with Him and have accepted Him as your Lord and Messiah. I, on the other hand, look forward to the day when anti-semitism ends and Christians stop trying to turn Messianic Synagogues into Hebrew hating churches. I think that by embracing "calling Him Y'Shua", that would help us get used to Hebrew. Note: The reason why WE Messianic Jews say Ye'SHU-ah is because unlike most of you, we believe we are not holy enough to say His name correctly. WE, unlike most of You, have embraced the Jewish tradition, Jewish Idioms and Jewish Holidays. WE have largely rejected the Christian Church's service traditions because of its removal of everything Jewish from the service.

The HUGE and GLARING exception to all this is that the Seed of Abraham, does a very English service with some Hebrew tossed in for the High Holy Days. The only part of this I am against is the lack of reciting the full Sh'ma (Deut. 6:4-9). They do get, on occasion unsaved Jews who can not afford to go to the traditional Synagogue on High Holy Days, or prefer the English as they are lousy at the Hebrew. It is for this reason, that the Seed of Abraham does this in English with little Hebrew. The other reason is the amount of time it would take to recite large portions in both English and Hebrew. I concur, but would like the full Sh'ma. I can give in to the rest of it for the greater good.

NOTE: The Seed of Abraham DOES many worship songs (and sometimes most worship songs) in Hebrew. The worship team made this change a while ago it seems. However, I do NOT get there every Saturday, so this is just my impression on the times I have attended.)

Their songs, for Yom Kippur, was very much in Hebrew and English. This I relished and lapped up every minute of. Unfortunately, I could not stay for the entire service (missed the sermon which was a special guest from Yisrael). I had a migraine coming on, and I had over an hour drive ahead of me, and my blood sugar was crashing. I decided I needed to go eat, and because it was Yom Kippur with people fasting, I did NOT stay and eat in the car like I used to do. The migraine was caused by me eating too much gluten while on holiday, and because of the potpourri that the church they rent smells of. God has NOT chosen to heal me of the Potpourri because HE believes that YOU Christians need to stop discriminating against people you HATE and get out of your comfort zones. Yes, if you insist that your loo must reek of allergens, then you, in effect HATE me. (I think God also wants Christians to STOP trying to murder the people with the "wrong" allergies.:P )

This worshipping of the comfort zone is why people insist we say Jesus and why we insist on ignoring Jewish culture. We insist that we must speak only English at all times. We in America, are a melting pot of foreigners and melt them down and rebuild them up to reek of English, our way. That means anything British English is melted out as well. I can not wait to move back home to my home land. I'm not saying the grass is greener over there, because it isn't. I will at least have my architecture to look at - my eye candy.